Dev Log 5
Card Garden
Members working on Card Garden - Gilli Arnel, Gabrielle Collins, Atley Sakamoto, Sadiq Desai
There was a lot of art assets that got done this time around ranging from Sadiq to Gilli to Gabrielle. They had a lot cut out for them since Card Garden needed there playing cards in game to really come to life and i think they pulled it off quite well. Atley was tasked with making there Game poster and i think this truly displayed his talents for environmental art. This time around there were not all too many problems and the animation team is hard at work getting animations ready for Card Garden.
Members working on Card Garden - Atley Sakamoto, David Lopez, Tim Ly, Andrew Sloan, Leila Watson
The animation team is hard at work playing catch up due to some complications with transferring to unity, but now that they have been settled we are full steam ahead on animating for all of Parasitic's players and enemies as seen with Leila's rigs for the enemies. When it comes to art the art team is slowly starting to run out of things that they can give to them, David finished up his final Mage photo of his gear and Atley got in some more UI that will help the player know what is going on in game.
Members working on Card Garden - Atley Sakamoto, Leila Watson, Tim Ly
So in the last update Trapped did not have much to show for progress and now here we are with a ton of new stuff to show off. First off Tim has been solely tasked with focusing on nothing but animating for Trapped and as seen he has put in a lot of work doing blockouts then after confirmation doing the polished animating. Leila has continued on with doing more Rigging for the enemies in Trapped which took a bit of time. As of Atley, he really was given quite the task of accomplishing a huge amount of UI work that was asked of by Trapped and he really delivered in a big way, what is shown is only about half of all the things he did but this is showcasing the best of it all.

Art Team
Status | In development |
Category | Assets |
Author | CAGD |
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