Production Blog 3 - Sunshine RV

Hello everyone! Welcome to our third production blog of Sunshine RV. My name is Bryce and I am excited to show what our team has accomplished through sprint 3. First, let’s get started with a refresher. Sunshine RV is a first-person simulator where players manage specific and time-sensitive orders from customers by buying wares and harvesting ingredients to brew various sunshine concoctions.

Our goal for this sprint was to have our prototype fletched out. With that said, we wanted to receive different orders from customers and have the player be able to buy trees and automatically be planted. I am happy to say we were able to accomplish our goals and through the feedback, we are making edits. Through a heavy sprint 3, our team was able to accomplish so much, so let’s get into it.


As always, we will begin with programming because our game is program-heavy. During this sprint, our programmers worked on getting customers to make orders and this allows the player to know what they’re making. We essentially will have customers come in “waves” of 3 so the player will be busy taking orders. Our other programmer worked on purchasing trees and once the player purchases a tree, it automatically gets planted in the backyard. In the video shown below, we displayed the purchase in the backyard for visual purposes.

Westen Smith

James Munguia


As for modeling, our modelers worked hard to get the props and major assets in. One of our modelers finished texturing the RV and I am proud to say that it turned out great. As for props, they modeled props that will be placed in the RV and the backyard as well. We have props such as fruits, pencils, and other things as well, but one of the models that stuck out was a microwave. It has fine detail to it and I can’t wait for players to see it in the game. As for some work in the backyard, our other modeler worked hard on getting the fence done. We were aiming for a trashy fence due to the player, Bill not keeping up with his place.

Marco Antonio

Andrew Olsen

Nathan Davis

2D Art

Our 2D artists have been working hard to get the 64 total finished drinks. Each one of those images has a glass, color, and flavor. I am happy to say those are now complete and we can now have them work on other art. One of our artists started to work on concept art that correspond with each section of the RV. That is the order window, Still screen, Computer screen, and backyard screen. From a personal standpoint, I did not know the process of making concept art, but now I do. You first create thumbnails, sketches, and the full image at the end. During this sprint, our artist worked on thumbnails and sketches that pertain to each screen.

Lillian Burgess

Jeru Parayno

Sound Design

Our sound designer has worked extremely hard on getting sound effects in. They all sound great, and now we have them focusing on music. For the music, we will have a radio in the RV that will be intractable to the player and they can choose to play music. For the genres, we plan on having Country and Hip-hop for sure, and if we have time, we plan to have other genres as well.

Kai Le


One of our modelers had modeled a female character. Now, they are currently in the process of rigging that character so our animators can start animating the characters. The process of animating is very complex and takes many stages, and it all begins with rigging. I would like to thank our modeler for stepping in and rigging the female character.

Jerrod Luster


With that said, our third sprint has finally wrapped up. Our team has completed a total of 181 points out of 220 points assigned. For our next sprint, our goal is to have the Still screen modified with its corresponding cabinets and have the player drag the finished drinks onto the counter so customers can pick them up as well as level design work. We plan on getting more feedback from playtesters so we can tailor our game to their favor so it seems fun. As we continue production, our team will continue to work hard on creating 2D art, 3D art, music, and animations. We are moving forward, and once the pieces are done, we will just have to place them all together. Other than that, I am looking forward to future posts about the production process and design aspects of our game. We hope you enjoy it! Thank you!

Get Sunshine RV

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