Production Blog #3


In this sprint the programmers began working on the upgrades and money system in the game. After the end of a day, the player is taken to an upgrades screen where they have the option to purchase buffs for Sheldon with the money earned from deliveries. Some examples are increased speed, more time on the clock to make deliveries, and the ability to throw packages farther. For now, there is a simple temporary design for the upgrades menu and the programmers have been getting it to work functionally. When the player hovers over an icon on the upgrades screen, a description will appear in the corner. If the player clicks on an icon it will be highlighted, and prompt the player to confirm the purchase. After the player is done on the upgrades screen, they can then continue to the next delivery day with the button on the bottom.  The package now only counts as delivered when Sheldon drops it at the front door, this way the game flows more like an actual delivery. Previously , the player could just walk up to the door carrying the package and it would count as delivered. In order to view destinations from farther away, a large beacon is now placed above the target house.

Modeling / Art

There were a lot of fun models and designs this sprint. For starters, the art for scary boss Dan has been completed and is ready to be implemented into the game as a UI text bubble. There were various different experiments with color scheme and line art, and the designer ultimately went with a red skin tone. During this process, it was decided to have a second, more angry version of Dan so that there can be some variation with his icon when it appears on screen.  For the upgrades, icons have been made to visualize to the player what each upgrade button does.   A great addition to the character models is a little baby. The team has been having a lot of fun discussing plans for the baby NPC that is going to be waddling around in the town. There is also now a large buff alien NPC modeled. Another amazing addition is the model for the robot security system. This robot will be patrolling in some neighborhoods and can attack Sheldon if he is deemed a threat. Sheldon must fight the robot off in order to make a delivery. On top of this there were more prop designs as well, such as a flying car model with various textures, a dumpster, road barricade, and modular sidewalks to go with the modular roads.

Level Design

In terms of level design, a large-scale map has been created using all of the annotated maps of the road systems so far. The goal is to start with small sections to ensure it is a fun and interesting level, and then build out from there to hopefully turn it into the intended map design. 


Overall for this sprint, 211 points were assigned and 170 were completed by the end of the two week period. This leaves our average velocity at 147 points per sprint. The team has been working hard, that average velocity keeps rising! The goal for the next sprint is to implement the animations, create an AI for the robot security system and dog, and start designing the town. Thanks for viewing our page! Check back soon for updates!

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Mar 08, 2023

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