Producer Blog #2

Hello, and welcome to the second product blog of Robot Riot! My name is Miciah Coley and I am excited to share all of the hard work my team has put in throughout the sprint. Robot Riot has 12 members and our design of the game came from our game designer, Marisa Moreno. If you want to learn more about what went into our design process you are welcome to take a look here. 

Robot Riot is a competitive battle royale game in which you will face off against another player, collecting various weapons and powers ups to fight them in battle and win. The game takes place in the main facility of Atonal Industries, a robot manufacturer that also specializes in quirky weaponry props. Players will square off against each other in a best of three lives on four different levels to determine who is the best robot. 

With our vision out of the way. Let’s talk about the work that was completed during the sprint.


Our second level is called The Village, which is supposed to mimic the feeling of being in a town with vibrant colors and a bunch of fun interactions. Our main priority modeling wise this sprint was to get all of the props, environment models, and two more character models finished. A huge portion of the team worked on prop and environment models while the remaining parts of the modeling team worked on the character models. Here is a look at the work that was completed during the sprint. 

Sarah Youngdahl

Miciah Coley

Andrew Hovsepian

Marisa Moreno

Veronica Leon Guerrero


This sprint I had my programmers focus on adding to our foundational systems from last sprint. They made a boost, added player rotation to our model, programming some traps and weapons. Our main focus was making sure that everything we were programming was enough to make our first prototype this sprint. Here is a look at the work that was completed this sprint. 

Riley Pursell


Jacob Meddings

Level Designers

Our level designers this sprint were tasked with bringing The Village to life. They started off by making an annotated map so they would have an idea of what the level would look like and from there they made a blockout. Then they went straight into making the environment models. Here is there work from the sprint:

Carl Moreno

Alex Rico

2D Art

Our 2D artist Christina this sprint was tasked with making some more sprites for our inventory. The sprites they made were weapons, hazards, and powerups. We also had some graffiti made by our level designer Carl and we had some character design made by Veronica.

Christina Steller  

Veronica Leon Guerrero

Carl Moreno


This sprint we had rigs ready to go for our animator so he got straight into animating our models. This sprint he animated left and right strafe, Shooting animation, sword swing, and some VFX work to go with it. Here is the work he produced. 

Nathan Kreiger


For this sprint I got an additional member to my team. That was Dominick who is a rigger. This sprint he rigged L3 combat mode, Flea combat mode, and finally L3 bot mode. Thanks to him we were able to start getting animations into the game. Here is his work this sprint


Dominick Guarin


In our second sprint we completed a total of 114 points out of 134. In the next sprint we want to finish building out level two, start building out level 3, continuing implementing and programming mechanics , and continue modeling our props. Look out for more posts about the design and production process. 

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