Production Blog #5


231 points were assigned this sprint with 195 points completed, which leaves 36 points leftover that were assigned but not moved. The average velocity has now jumped to 146 points per sprint. We’re still going strong!


We’ve started on a tutorial at the beginning of the game that will provide players with some context and help to show the player how the core game loop works. The plan is to guide the player through navigating the contract board, scavenging, building, and selling a robot before being let loose to do things on their own. 

Lootable items are now randomly generated. The level designers simply place the spawners around rather than the items, and then the items will spawn in on their own for the player to loot. This automates the process and will allow for items to easily respawn, that way the player will always have a supply of items to go to. The plan is to vary the spawns so they won’t spawn in the same places every single time.

The player's animations have also been implemented so switching between items feels a lot more fluid.

The 3D printing mechanic has been created and will be available in the next build. This machine is purchasable as an upgrade at the Dark Web PC, and will allow the player to create materials that can be used for building the robots. The player will be able to purchase up to 6 of these for the workshop. 

3D Modeling:

Lots of fun models have been created this sprint! More buildable robots have been added such as the handyman robot, pet rat, service worker robot, police officer, and football player. 

Some decor pieces for the workshop have been added as well such as the wall calendar, coffee mug, and soda cans. This will help bring some more life to the building and make it look less empty. 

 The drop off box has been modeled and turned into something more of a teleporter. This is the spot where the player “drops off” their robots and sells them to complete contracts. 

The model for the 3D printer has been made for the function mentioned above in the programming section. 

More scrapyard items have been added to help fill in space. This includes a broken toilet, rusty lawn chairs, and old couches. 


Our animator made some great motions for our rogue bot enemy. Due to its design it was problematic to use pre-made animations for this guy, so our animator created an idle, walking, and charging animation to bring the enemy to life. 

Sound Design:

Our sound designer had some fun making his own voice lines for the scavenger enemy. The goal was to have their lines generally just sound like gibberish, but also mimic the personality of the psychos from Borderlands. He did a great job! Here’s an example of some of them strung together: 

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