Producer Log: Sprint 2 Review
Hello everyone, I'm Billy Thao, the Producer for Elementalist. I'm glad to be back to present and talk about the progress of our game and show off the work we done in our Sprint 2! To recap the last Producer Log, Sprint 1 was focused on creating the foundations and framework for the game and creating concepts to visualize Ideas for the game. As for Sprint 2, our focus was pour onto putting those concepts to use and making it a reality. We also worked tirelessly on creating a playable digital prototype for our game to test the ideas and mechanics we currently had.
With the first play test completed, The team is excited and proud with the foundations we all worked towards. The Development team is excited to continue the development of Elementalist and moving forward with more future interations.
Sprint 2 - Breakdown
Total # of User Stories Assigned: 75
Total # of User Stories Moved to Verify: 50
Total # of User Stories Remain in To Verify: 0
Total # of user Stories Moved in To Complete: 50
Total # of User Stories remain In Progress: 25
In this 2-week Sprint, more of the concept art for our different enemies and playable character types were created and finalized. We now have finalized concepts for our water type character and earth type character.

Our 2D Artist, Michael, worked on these concepts during the sprint and also worked on a Reaper boss concept for our Ghostly Gallows World, Which is a Ghost themed world in our game.
We also have started to work on some of the main menu 2D Background Screens and in-game pause screens which were created by our other 2D Artist Warren.

Digital Prototype:
Our level Designers have been working on different tutorial levels that will provide players levels to test player mechanics and allows players to practice mechanical skills for the movement system. The different levels have been implemented into a Hub World which is essentially 1 level with multiple 'level rooms' in that world and can be accessed with different paths when players start in the Hub World.

This is essentially the layout of our test World Hub which has 4 different rooms that can be accessed with different entrance doors in the Hub World. While the Worlds were being prototyped and created, Our 3D Modelers were working on Assets to go inside these Rooms. We had modelers working on Enemy models and texturing them and creating door entrances to visually tell the player that they're moving onto a new room when entering the door. Below is an example of a door for our Ghostly Gallows World.

As for the monster models, We set to create the first enemies for our Ancient Forest World which is an easier world for players to learn how to play the game and get a basis before venturing onto the other worlds. The first enemy we needed was the base enemy which flies towards players when in sight.

We also have our Key Collectable item modeled and textured for the game. The Key Fragment is an essential part of the game since players need to collect 4 keys to fight the boss and gain access to move onto other worlds after defeating the boss of the previous world.

Spikes were also created for our level designers to add obstacles to levels to harden the platforming difficulty of current and future levels.

As for the Programmer, This sprint's focus was on player interaction with the environments. Programmers worked on Player interactions with collectables and Obstacles. We also had one programmer working on multiplayer aspects such as a character selection which allows for 4 controller inputs to choose 4 different characters.

Here is an example of a enemy type that constantly patrols and looks for players to pursue.

Here is an example of an enemy type that patrols a piece of land.

Here is an example of player interactions with objects.

finally, here is an example of the player selection working.
For our game, The main character and player movement is a huge part of the game and our main priority to work out first. Our game is heavily focused on player interaction and player movement which makes animation a big key in helping us sell that mechanic to players and creating a fun experience for you all. That being said, Our animators were hard at work this sprint working on an operational animation rig for our main character model. It currently works in Unity and does a decent job.
Here are a few examples of some base animations we have so far.

Character Idle Animation

Run Animation

Still Jumping Animation
Overall, Sprint 2 has been a successful sprint in which every member of the team learned and solved problems as they came. I'm truly proud of what the team is doing and being awesome at their job! We're excited to keep sharing and posting updates for you all following along the Development of Elementalist. I'd like to thank you all on behalf of the Elementalist Team and share our upcoming work in progresses with you all. We appreciate your time following along and supporting us!
- Elemental Studios
Get Elementalist
Status | Released |
Author | CAGD |
Genre | Platformer |
Languages | English |
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