Producer Blog - Sprint 4

Hello everyone! It’s the blog post for Sprint 4. Our team had Spring Break in between the two weeks of the sprint, but that didn’t stop folks from getting some good stuff out. Our very talented programmer was able to get two different types of decoration systems working, which we are very proud of! We also got some more models done, and we’re happy to give you guys a look.


We wanted to make the collectable plants more than just resources, so we put them in pots and made them into decorations. There’s also a wall shelf to go along with it so you can put the potted plants on them.

One of our modelers had made some extra models that were with the alchemy table, but it needed to be resized, so those models were able to be repurposed. We have a small decorative octagonal shelf and a glass vial model that can be used as a resource.

We also got some of the spell projectile models done. Now you can actually feel like you’re shooting out some spells!

Another cool decoration we got done was this cute stone frog. Our 2D artist drew up something really cute and then the modeler got this done really quickly.

A new model we were able to get done was this boar model. It’s real cute! We were going to have it be an actual enemy you could fight, but our teachers said to cut that part out, so instead we’re making it into an animal that can walk around the home area.


Our amazing programmer was able to advance on the decoration system! Not only is there freeform placement, but grid-snapping as well. You can rotate an item and scale the offset. There are still a few bugs we need to work out with it, but I’m amazed that he was able to get both of them done.

We also got some functionality for the Wild Spitter done. This enemy shoots thorns at you. It’s a bit like the Seedling, but more threatening since it’s supposed to be taller than you.

2D Art

Our lovely 2D artist is constantly pumping out some amazing backgrounds, so take a look below! She made a nice looking background for our pause and start menus.

There's also a lovely looking background for the storage portal.

She also made concept art for a few stone animal statues. The designer wanted some extra nice looking statues, so we’re putting in some extra effort for those.


We’re steadily getting to the end of the animations we needed, so here’s what we got. We have the Wild Spitter being nice and jaunty, as well as it getting provoked when you attack.

Here's its shooting animation!

Level design is also steadily improving. We’re almost done with the forest area for the most part.

In this sprint, we had 182 points completed out of 261 points assigned. The team is still going strong, even with the big break in between. The programmer who built the decoration system went out of their way to make both the grid and freeform systems, and spent a good amount of time building those up. An unfortunate thing that's happened is that we’ve had some problems trying to get our IK animations into Unity. Our team was told to put the enemies on the backburner for the most part, so the animation problem might not be solved by the next sprint. We’re not entirely sure how to solve the problem, so if you’d like, please leave a comment if you think you might know the answer. Thank you for reading!

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