Producer Devlog 3
Welcome back to Perry's Pies Producer Devlogs! Sprint 3 has concluded and a significant amount of progress was made over this sprint. 3D/2D artists kicked out a ton of work that was primarily for the Ground Floor and Basement levels, as well as getting some vital concept art completed. Programming had progress made towards Perry's AI and the functionality/implementation of the Pause Menu, Main Menu, and the hint system. For the build, we were able to get Bill's level implemented with most of the assets, as well as a rudimentary Perry, so that was really good progress to have. Level designers killed it with their blockouts. Now that we have a majority of the assets that are needed for placing into their levels, they were able to get their levels another step towards looking polished and complete. On the design side of things, Abbey has been filling out the GDD more so that we can continue filling up the backlog and make sure that we have work for the following sprints. You can see Abbey's work through her Designer Blog here [add link].
3D/2D Art
Our goal for the 3D artists this sprint was to kick out as many of the remaining Ground Floor and Basement level assets that we still needed. By the end of the sprint, we had almost all of the assets, specifically for the Ground Floor and Basement levels, made and prefabbed with only a small handful remaining. This also included Ana's model for the elevator being finished and Angel getting Unity prefabs finished for Perry and the player's hands.
NemoStar, the skeleton that the player will interact with throughout the level to obtain hints, was also created through this sprint. With the model being done, Angel also worked on having different poses for NemoStar. Between being twisted and broken to just sitting with his legs crossed, Angel had a lot of fun with these.
On the 2D side of things, Koda worked on getting the the concept art of the locks finished so that Ana could make those, which turned out so awesome! We also worked on getting concept art of the main menu done. However, the art is becoming more polished and will soon be used to put into the game as an asset, rather than just a concept.
Programming was not as efficient as before, but we still got a lot done. A majority of our sprint was focused on fixing bugs that kept popping up, but it was not bad. By encountering these bugs, we were able to go through and develop a plan for optimizing the way we approach things as we continue and really getting a solid understanding of what is happening.
For Perry, Alex got the state switching from searching for the player to going back to patrolling working well, and he was also able to get Perry implemented into the build for this sprint, which turned out pretty good!
Joseph worked on getting the Main Menu implemented, as well as the Pause Menu and the hint system for NemoStar. However, one of the most significant chunks of progress was getting the progression objects (Famous Pie Tin, Keys, Locks, etc.) to not respawn when you re-entered the level. This was a big issue that we had been dealing with for a long period of time and was another big contributor to lot of the bugs, which severall were related to the scene changing.
[Files are too big, will add soon]
Level Design
Bill and Andy did a great job getting their levels closer to being completed and fully implemented. For this sprint, Bill and Andy worked on getting assets placed in their levels. They turned out really good and look absolutely amazing! Bill did some extra work with the water in his scene and Andy worked on getting the assets placed, as well as placing lighting in his Ground Floor level and refining his blockout for the Factory level. Additionally, both Andy and Bill also conducted playtests on their levels and got some valuable feedback on where things were at.
Colby was our audio engineer that we got for this sprint and he did an absolutely fantastic job! He created the ambient sound for what will be in the levels of Perry's Pies and he did a phenomenal job!
[Have to get link for file, way too big]
We got a lot done this sprint and I am very proud of my team. All of them have done an awesome job! For this sprint, we ended with 151 points Assigned, and 106 points moved to Verify and Complete, leaving us with 45 that were assigned but not moved. Based off of the current backlog, we are still in need of filling it out and adding more points. However, for this sprint, we ended up being a little more than a whole sprint ahead, which has not been the case previously. While we continue, the backlog will begin filling up and we will continue to make amazing progress! Thank you for checking in!
Get Perry's Pies
Perry's Pies
Whisk your life on a dare to get Perry's famous pie tin and prove to your friends you aren't a baby!
Status | In development |
Author | CAGD |
Genre | Action, Role Playing |
Tags | 3D, First-Person, Gore, Horror, No AI, Singleplayer, Thriller |
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